Credit Search
Author(s): Simangaliso Biza-Khupe
Citation: Simangaliso Biza-Khupe, (2014) "Credit Search," Journal of Applied Business and Economics, Vol. 16, Iss. 3, pp. 116-134
Article Type: Research paper
Publisher: North American Business Press
There is a notable paucity of studies on the antecedents to consumer credit and debt behaviour, despite
the importance of this subject matter. Moreover, there is anecdotal evidence of Data Smog within
consumer credit markets, and yet this element remains relatively unexplored in the literature. This study
proposes and empirically tests a comprehensive model of consumer credit search behaviour using
structural equation modelling. Also, and simultaneously, the model tests for the antecedents of Data
Smog, and its effect on Credit Search. The findings allude to the role that Data Smog plays in consumer
financial markets and provide insights to the complexities of consumer financial decision-making
processes. The paper concludes by discussing the implications of these findings to theory and policy,
particularly as concerning rethinking financial information regulation in consumer financial markets.