Determinants of GDP Growth and the Impact of Austerity
Author(s): Arvind Jadhav, James P. Neelankavil, David Andrews
Citation: Arvind Jadhav, James P. Neelankavil, David Andrews, (2013) "Determinants of GDP Growth and the Impact of Austerity," Journal of Applied Business and Economics, Vol. 15, Iss. 1, pp. 15-28
Article Type: Research paper
Publisher: North American Business Press
Most industrialized countries are facing slower growth rates, higher unemployment levels, and
unnamable national debt as a percentage of GDP and consequently incurring a high cost of servicing this
debt. Among the various solutions suggested to reduce the debt burden is to undertake austerity measures
to improve fiscal balance and, hence, potentially reduce debt. Growth and austerity programs appear to
be inversely related during periods of downturn and slow economic recovery. It has been shown that
during a period of sustained upswing, both objectives are positively correlated as higher growth enables
higher austerity. To date, studies that have attempted to suggest the feasibility of attaining growth
through various programs including austerity during rising national debt have not conclusively shown
that this is an attainable objective for policy makers. In this paper we attempt to show that there are
initiatives that government’s can implement given the right timing and well-planned initiatives could offer
a reasonably successful solution.