Different Yet Similar: Multi-Generational Professionals and Their Sentimentality
Towards Reciprocity

Author(s): Salvador G. Villegas

Citation: Salvador G. Villegas, (2020) "Different Yet Similar: Multi-Generational Professionals and Their Sentimentality Towards Reciprocity," Journal of Business Diversity, Vol.20, Iss. 1, pp. 66-79

Article Type: Research paper

Publisher: North American Business Press


As the generational demographics of the American workforce have changed over time, it is crucial to identify if there are generational differences regarding the sentiment of reciprocity (Kolm, 1994), specifically among professionals. This quantitative study (n=122) found that generational identity does not influence positive (rewarding) reciprocity, meaning that regardless of age, professionals willfully reciprocate in a mutually beneficial manner, affirming that reciprocity is a personal norm (Gouldner, 1960). Alternatively, this study found that negative (punishing) reciprocity is significantly correlated & influenced by generational identity. Baby Boomers and Millennials show the highest contrast in negative reciprocity, with Millennials more willing to engage in punishing unkind behavior than their predecessors.