Developing a Department Profit Center while Enhancing the Student Learning Experience: Building a Professional Sales Center
Author(s): Mick Jackowski, Scott Sherwood, April Schofield
Citation: Mick Jackowski, Scott Sherwood, April Schofield, (2018) "Developing a Department Profit Center while Enhancing the Student Learning Experience: Building a Professional Sales Center," Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, Vol.18, Iss. 4, pp. 114-118
Article Type: Research paper
Publisher: North American Business Press
As an innovative means of creating greater impact on student learning while becoming more selfsustaining, a university marketing department created a Center for Professional Selling. Corporate
partners paid the Center for the ability to recruit students taking sales courses. In addition to providing
the potential for students to land high-paying entry level positions, partners also shared their own
experience and expertise with students during scheduled class visits and other events. Students
participated in experiential learning activities that increased their marketability and led directly to
employment for many.