The Millennial Generation’s Use of Social Media as a Complaint Method:
An Application to Higher Education

Author(s): Mary Beth Pinto, Phylis M. Mansfield

Citation: Mary Beth Pinto, Phylis M. Mansfield, (2013) "The Millennial Generation’s Use of Social Media as a Complaint Method: An Application to Higher Education," Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, Vol.13, Iss. 1, pp. 11 - 26

Article Type: Research paper

Publisher: North American Business Press


This article explores the Millennial generation’s use of social media, specifically Facebook, and how it is
used as a complaint method in a higher education context. A survey was conducted at a public university
in the United States, with 413 respondents. Results indicate that 93% of the sample used Facebook, with
women reporting greater usage. There were significant differences in complaining behavior between
heavy and light users. Heavier users of Facebook were more likely to complain to other students face-to-
face or to complain to the professor or other students via email, posting comments to an online chat room
or on Facebook.