Marketing Strategy Competition among Beer
Companies before Liquor Liberalization
Author(s): Sinee Sankrusme
Citation: Sinee Sankrusme, (2011) "Marketing Strategy Competition among Beer Companies before Liquor Liberalization" Vol. 5, Iss. 6, pp. 65 - 82
Article Type: Research paper
Publisher: North American Business Press
This is a case study analysis of companies dealing domestic and imported beers in Thailand. Case study of domestic beers will be concerned with Boon Rawd Brewery Company, Thai Amarit Brewery (Thailand) Company, Thai Asia Pacific Brewery Company, Carlsberg Brewery Company and Thai Beer (1991) Company. For imported beer market, the study will focus the C.V.S. Syndicate Company and the TIS Worldwide Marketing (1997) Company. The purpose of the study is to analyze marketing strategy of beer companies before liquor liberalization in 2000. Research methods include qualitative and descriptive approach. The results of the study demonstrate marketing strategy of both domestic and imported beer companies. For domestic beer marketing strategy, Boon Rawd Brewery Company conducted product line strategy, product development strategy, block channel strategy, media strategy, trade strategy, and consumer incentive strategy. Thai Amarit Brewery Company adapted product line strategy, brand positioning strategy, and market expansion strategy. Thai Asia Pacific Brewery Company used brand strategy, and distribution strategy. Carlsberg Brewery Company used brand strategy, product development strategy, unique customer service strategy, selling local liquor plus Carlsberg beer strategy, price strategy, SWOT analysis strategy, media strategy, distribution strategy, service after the sale, customer satisfaction strategy, and proactive strategy. Thai Beer (1991) Company used the strategy of selling local liquor plus with Chang beer, price and channel strategy, brand building strategy, SWOT analysis strategy, heavy advertising strategy, selling point building strategy, and proactive strategy. While imported beer, C.V.S. Syndicate Company conducted trade promotion strategy, and advertising strategy. TIS Worldwide Marketing (1997) Company used brand strategy.