Articles should be submitted following the American Psychological Association format. Articles should not be more than 30 double-spaced, typed pages in length including all figures, graphs, references, and appendices. Submit, via email, an electronic attachment copy of your manuscript to the journal editor's email address,
Include a title page with manuscript which includes the full names, affiliations, address, phone, fax, and e-mail addresses of all authors and identifies one person as the Primary Contact. Put the submission date on the bottom of the title page. On a separate sheet, include the title and an abstract of 100 words or less. Do not include authors’ names on this sheet. A final page, “About the authors,” should include a brief biographical sketch of 100 words or less on each author. Include current place of employment and degrees held. References must be written in APA style. It is the responsibility of the author(s) to ensure that the paper is thoroughly and accurately reviewed for spelling, grammar and referencing. If your manuscript is accepted, you will be given specific format instructions for printing. These and any other instructions will be provided at the time of your acceptance.
Review Procedure
Authors will receive an acknowledgement by e-mail including a reference number shortly after receipt of the manuscript. All manuscripts within the general domain of the journal will be sent for at least two external reviews, using a double blind format, from members of our Editorial Board or their designated reviewers. In the majority of cases, authors will be notified within 45 days of the result of the review. If reviewers recommend changes, authors will receive a copy of the reviews and a timetable for submitting revisions. Papers and disks will not be returned to authors.
We do not require a submission or publication fee, but we require that at least one author from each paper have an EBSCOhost institutional subscription to JSIS; if not, we request that at least one author from each paper get a subscription. At this time, we are not sponsored, so the subscription helps promote the journal and offset the costs associated with running a print publication. JSIS subscriptions can be made through the Subscriptions/Reprints link in the navigation box of this website.